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TOH is a work in progress—I am still editing it. There are some rough spots; there may be inconsistencies. Don't hesitate to shoot criticism my way!

In early 2011, I sent manuscripts of TOH to a handful of friends. I received a modicum of feedback, and, as of 2013, am finally acting on it. I want to explore the tundra and the Midlands, to breathe life into Harnecia's halls, Cresso's tunnels, Ryn's marketplaces, to give closure to my heroes. There is a lot to be done, and I believe what I have written to date is a strong foundation. That said, a lot of work lies ahead. Please make sure I do it. Thank you.

Where is the story? I have removed the text that was on this site, consigning it to the neverland of rough drafts.

What is the story? Tundra of Heroes takes place in and around the Midlands, a rich contested grassland region surrounded by deserts to the west, inhospitable mountains to the north and east, and untamed wilds to the south. The story is told in three parts. Each explores the founding and growth of the Holy Empire of Byhr, a young military power that claims a divine right to the Midlands. The presentation of these parts is still under consideration. For now, chronologically:

• Excavating Time is set twenty years before Byhr's founding, and centers on Grandpa Snow, an aging Eastern archaeologist who works to uncover the secrets of the legendary South. He watches as the world passes him by, or maybe he passed it by. Racing against time to document his life's work, he tries to reconnect with his grandson and his childhood dream.

• Conducting a Campaign is set twenty-three years after Byhr's founding, and centers on Tomora Ynthon, a Northerner who joins Byhr's military in order to wage war on his homeland. Leading a ragtag but loyal band of wizard soldiers, he pursues revenge at all cost.

• Juggling Memories is set fifty-one years after Byhr's founding, and deals with Jeuni Huros, a citizen of a Byhryn border town. Jeuni spends his time drinking and juggling in the local tavern, content with a simple life. That is, until he meets—and is forced to kill—a giant traveler. The giant's death is a promise and Jeuni soon finds himself embarking on a journey of his own.